Ever felt like you’ve been stuck in your head, going through the motions, but not feeling accomplished or motivated to really focus on what it is you want to do? Maybe you wake up and promise yourself you’re going to get XYZ done today, but come 4pm, you’re still in your PJs and have spent way too much time scrolling through TikTok videos. No? Just me? Well, for any of the “Me’s” out there, here are some helpful tips and quotes that have helped me tremendously when I start to feel that heavy blanket of anxiety and I seem to lose all motivation for my day.
GET UP, and get out of your PJs
This is an especially difficult one for me to stick to. I work from home most of the time, so it is especially tempting to simply wake up, get some hot tea, and go straight to work in my favorite work uniform. Even if it is the comfiest option, it’s the most unmotivating “uniform” there is.
Wear clothes that make you happy! Colors like yellow have been known to brighten your mood and make you feel motivated for your day!
Go Outside
Whatever that statement means to you in regards to being outside – do it! This could be going for a walk or relaxing in the sunshine. You don’t have to make a planned time to do that. Be spontaneous and step outside. Your mental clarity will thank you for it.
Fun fact for gardeners – dirt may help in releasing serotonin in your body. Serotonin is that happy hormone! So, feeling in a funk? Go get dirty.
Congratulate Yourself
Whether it’s finally completing that huge project you’ve been putting off, or read this post and put into action step one, congratulate yourself. Showing appreciation toward your accomplishments no matter how big or small, is key to building up your self-confidence.
Surround Yourself with Positivity
“Your brain digests whatever thoughts you create, so feed it positive ones.” This includes people, sad discussions, or basically anything on the news these days. Feed your brain the happiest thoughts you can – especially right before bed. Your brain processes your late night thoughts. A really interesting read about thoughts right before bed can be found here.
Go To Sleep!
Your entire being suffers if you don’t get yourself enough sleep. There are so many wonderful (and free!) sleep and relaxation apps out there you can use. Try some out and get that beauty sleep!
One of the most powerful moves to use in life to boost your own mood – build someone else up. Give someone a compliment! Go out of your way to bring some light and joy to someone’s life. You may never know; you might be the only reason that person smiles today. Boosting someone else’s confidence up will directly cause you to receive that confidence boost! It feels great being kind and uplifting to others. Try it out and see what I’m talking about!